Soil, Regenerative Agriculture, Farming, Circular Economy Alice Irene Whittaker Soil, Regenerative Agriculture, Farming, Circular Economy Alice Irene Whittaker

Episode 33 - On Location in Colorado: Regenerative Ranch, Regenerative Economy

This mini-documentary chronicles the journey of host Alice Irene Whittaker in 2019, when she traveled pregnant with her third child to Colorado to interview acclaimed, award-winning environmental economist and regenerative rancher Hunter Lovins.

Around a kitchen table in her regenerative ranch, Hunter answers curiosities about a circular economy that is modelled on nature’s cycles, and envisions the large-scale transition to renewable energy and ecologically-responsible business. Hunter reflects on her lived and professional experience in transforming landscapes and soil through regenerative agriculture.

A moment in time between two women is captured in this thought-provoking conversation that unfolds surrounded by horses, the homes of herons, and wide open sky. This episode challenges economic growth as a concept, dreams of the demise of the fossil fuel industry, and encourages designing an economy that fosters happiness and well-being.

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Farming, Caretaking, Relationships, Rewilding, Motherhood Alice Irene Whittaker Farming, Caretaking, Relationships, Rewilding, Motherhood Alice Irene Whittaker

Episode 28 - Remembering We are Stewards

Looking at species in a landscape, we can see the stories of each creature and what role it plays in that ecosystem. So, what is our role in our landscapes?

Tao Orion is a permaculture designer, teacher, homesteader, and mother living in Oregon. She is the author of the book Beyond the War on Invasive Species: A Permaculture Approach to Ecosystem Restoration.

This conversation about permaculture, agroecology, land rights, and ecosystem restoration illustrates that we can remember how to be a part of a natural world that we never left. We can tend to the hopeful return of biodiversity and flourishing webs of life.

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